SAT Group Class

to Prep for 10/5/24 Test Date



SAT Group Class

to Prep for 10/5/24 Test Date


10 hours

July 25, 2024 at 3:15 PM

August 1, 2024 at 3:15 PM

August 8, 2024 at 3:15 PM

August 15, 2024 at 3:15 PM

August 22, 2024 at 3:15 PM

August 29, 2024 at 3:15 PM

September 5, 2024 at 3:15 PM

September 12, 2024 at 3:15 PM

September 19, 2024 at 3:15 PM

September 26, 2024 at 3:15 PM

Small Group Form of Attendance

SAT History/Goals

SAT Additional Information

Please answer the following questions :)

The Zara Tutoring Quarterly Newsletter

Registering for the SAT

As the parent, I understand that it is my responsibility to register my child for the SAT test date for which we are preparing at (Unless it's the school SAT test date in April of their junior year, which they register for through the school for free).

***Delaying registration, resulting in not being able to secure a spot at a local testing site, or forgetting to register until after the registration deadline will not merit a refund.***

I have read and agree to the terms above

10/5/24 SAT Program Terms & Conditions

The price for the entire program is $1,497 and includes

• a folder containing 37 pages of reference documents, including the TTT ("Tom's Testing Tips") for both sections (Reading and Writing, Math).

• the 10 one-hour group sessions, which will all take place in our office at 1130 Tienken Court Suite 227 Rochester Hills, MI 48306 (we also have a Zoom option for those who prefer to be in the class remotely as well as the option to participate by watching all the recorded sessions, if scheduling conflicts prevent the student from attending live).

• 24/7 access to all the content on Zara Tutoring's platform

• 23 VERY useful permitted calculator programs

• a weekly practice schedule consisting of 5 days of practice, each of which takes about an hour to complete

• daily progress reports from the unique progress report link that we provide for each student

Since students tend to have various commitments and aligning everyone's schedules isn't feasible, if a student misses any of the sessions they will still be responsible for payment for the session, since the sessions are billed as an entire program. There are no makeup sessions or refunds.

Although missing a session isn't ideal, the SAT Group Facilitator will still provide the parent & student with the personalized progress report based on the student's practices along with the practice schedule for the following week.

The SAT Group Facilitator also records every class and posts it on Zara Tutoring's platform, enabling students to watch the session when they are able.

10/5/24 SAT Small Group Payment Process

We currently exclusively accept credit card payments. The sessions are billed as an entire program and you can make the $1,497 non-refundable payment in full by inputting your card information on the next page after submitting this form.

The charge will show up on your card statement as "Zara Tutoring--Tutor Appt"

Note: Choosing to stop the program at any point will not result in a refund upon termination of the program.

Any declined transactions will each incur a $10 fee.

6 / 12 slots remaining

FREE SAT/ACT Diagnostic Administration--Saturday

3 hours 35 minutes

September 9, 2023 at 9:00am

6 / 12 slots remaining